The spaces between houses in zero-lot-line neighbourhoods are typically reserved for maintenance. What happens when someone builds within this space?
When a house is intentionally built very close to the property line (aka Zero Lot Line), the homeowner will occasionally need to enter their neighbour’s property to perform routine upkeep of their house. Likewise, the neighbour on the other side will also need occasional access to perform maintenance on their home.
Maintenance Access Right-of-Way
From a surveyor’s perspective, the space between the houses is reserved by the registration of a right-of-way which is intended to prevent the construction of obstacles that would inhibit access or maintenance activities.
In this example, the neighbour has bolted an AC Unit onto brackets attached to their house. The AC Unit is situated entirely with the right-of-way. This unit will negatively affect the homeowner on the left when the time comes to perform maintenance. We provided a Real Property Report for the house on the left, which was granted a clean Certificate of Compliance. When the owners of the AC Unit apply for a Certificate of Compliance, they should anticipate some time-consuming complications.
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Third Rock Geomatics are experts in Real Property Reports and Subdivisions. We offer quick turnaround times, we have great-looking plans designed with your clients in mind, and we offer fixed-price services. Do we sound like a great addition to your team?
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