When Sunrooms are Attached to Houses

Many people are surprised when they learn their sunroom is considered an addition to their house. It is a common homeowner’s story: They sit on their deck and think, I should add a roof to my deck. Then they sit under their roof and think, I should add a few walls. Over the course of time, they build an attached sunroom that is subject to the same building envelope regulations as their house.

What do Surveyors See?

It is important to determine if the sunroom is attached to the house and if it extends beyond the building envelope. In this case, the sunroom is definitely attached to the house and is too close to the side and the back property line.

How will this case be resolved?

When we applied for a compliance certificate, the city responded with a detailed letter explaining the infraction and the options. The application was transferred to a request for a bylaw relaxation. If approved, the resulting development permit will serve as a compliance certificate.

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