Our Surveyor Explains how Overland Drainage works in a Side Yard

This is an unusual scenario. There is an overland drainage right-of-way along the side of the house which runs along the entire length of the lot. This means anything between the fence and the wall in the picture is within the right-of-way. This includes the eaves of the house, the shed, and the window wells. The current landowner was completely unaware of this issue until they received their Real Property Report.

How to Apply for an Encroachment Consent Letter

Once the encroachment had been identified by the city, the owner was given an option to remove the features and re-apply for the certificate of compliance, or request permission to keep the improvements in place. In this situation, the owner preferred to keep the improvements. On their behalf, we applied for an encroachment consent letter. The drainage department approved the application within 10 days. The encroachment advisory was removed from the Real Property Report and the encroachment consent letter was issued. The city will keep this letter on file for use in the future.

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Third Rock Geomatics are experts in Real Property Reports and Subdivisions. We offer quick turnaround times, we have great-looking plans designed with your clients in mind, and we offer fixed-price services. Do we sound like a great addition to your team?

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